Welcome to the Custom AlphaGuard Tool. This tool is used to preview and submit a Custom AlphaGuard design. Before you start, make sure you know which type of Custom AlphaGuard you are creating & prepare a proper image.
AlphaGuard Type:
Check your order details to see which type of Custom AlphaGuard you ordered. Most customers chose the grid style, but a full-card style is also available. If you aren’t sure or haven’t yet purchased a Custom AlphaGuard please contact us at
1-800-717-8080 or sales@alphacard.com.
Image Requirements:
For best results, create your Custom AlphaGuard image using these guidelines:
- Black and white images only, without color or shades of gray (this tool will help convert an image into black and white)
- Choose bold, clear designs without fine details
- Avoid small text & lettering which will not be legible
- Upload files in .JPEG, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG format
- Grid Style image must be 149x149 pixels (roughly 1/2 inch square)
- Full-Card Style image can be up to 969x595 pixels (landscape) or 595x969 pixels (portrait)