Access Control for College Dormitories
Access Control for College Dormitories
Access Control for College Dormitories

Access Control for College Dormitories
A recent trend amongst colleges and universities is to integrate student IDs with access control systems. This is part of a larger effort to increase overall campus security. The threat of violence and criminal activity on college campuses is an unfortunate reality, one that has to be taken very seriously. Many schools are re-evaluating their current security systems, exploring more effective video surveillance equipment as well as more secure and functional ID card solutions.
A key benefit of card-based access control systems for college dorms is that the facilities can remain locked at all times, with students using they’re ID cards to gain entry. On many campuses, dorm security is lax. People are able to come and go as they please, whether they’re students or potentially dangerous intruders. A secure access control system solves this problem. Each ID card is encoded to open only that individual student’s dorm. These systems typically operate using either magnetic stripe technology or proximity card or contactless smart card technology.
With magnetic stripe cards, the student would simply swipe the card through a reader to gain access. Proximity cards and contactless smart cards are waived in front of the reader, and typically offer a higher level of security. Some access control systems also utilize contact smart cards (think of hotel rooms for instance). With either of these setups, if a student loses his or her card, it can simply be deactivated, thus nullifying the chance of someone other than the student using a found card to enter a facility without authorization.
While it might seem like an inconvenience at first for students to have to slide or waive their IDs to enter a dormitory, the action is likely to become second nature, and the added security is well worth the trouble. Leaving dormitories unlocked is a dangerous risk, and a secure access control system is an excellent solution to the problem.
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